Hello again!

Hey guys! Wow, it’s been, what, 2+ years since my last post? My goodness. Sebenernya gw uda beberapa kali pengen ngehidupin blog ini dan mulai nulis lagi, tapi yah, sekarang baru kesampean. My most sincere apologies to the faithful readers (ahem) who have frequently checked my blog to see if I have written anything new, and, well, have been disappointed for 2 years. But here I am now!

Anyway, since it’s been a while, lemme get you up to speed. I’m now attending medical school at FK-UAJ (Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia). Currently in my second year, and I’m loving it! So far anyway, hahaha. Lots of activities here! I could spend several posts explaining them all. We study, of course, a lot! But so far medschool has not yet been the ‘school’ where people go to lose their minds and go crazy. We still have quite a lot of time for other activities.

The curriculum? It’s probably what you’d expect of medschool. We study anatomy, physiology, biochem, and all that. We look at cadavers, do some cool chemistry stuff, look at pathogens, discuss scenarios in small groups (PBL), practice clinical skills (skills lab), and take exams. Exams! A lot of exams! Like, we have at least one every 2-3 weeks, one major exam (OSCE, Objective Structurized Clinical Examination) at the end of each semester, and one other major exam (SOCA, Student Oral Case Analysis, also known as The Exam All Med students Fear) every end of the year.

Other than studying, we also have a lot of clubs! Besides the usual sports clubs (futsal, basketball, wushu, etc.),  we have Cellube, which accomodates our campus’ musicians (I’m a part of this, yay!). There’s also AtmaSearch, for those who love research and.. studying (as if medschool doesn’t have enough studying). Also we have MediSAR (Medical Search and Rescue) for those who love to get physical (lolwut); and AMSA (Asian Medical Students Association) for those who want to expand their connections, attend national/international events, and other boring stuff (joking! AMSA members, don’t be mad :p), and many more!

But one that deserves special mention is POERISTA! POERISTA stands for Persekutuan Doa Medis Rajawali Kristus Jakarta (Whew, I think I got that right). Anyway it’s a community of Christ’s followers in our campus. Actually, Poerista isn’t even a recognized club in our campus, but it has changed my life a lot. Sometime in the near future I’ll write about it in a special post, but not now, because this post I think is long enough, and I need to get back to work on my other stuff (medschool is busy), but sometime soon!

So, I think that’s all for now. I have lots to share with you, since I’ve been on a 2 year hiatus, so hopefully I can write more soon. I’m back (and I hope I won’t disappear again)!

God bless you all 🙂
