for thought….

it’s been awhile since my last post, and I think I’ve changed a lot since then…

Since I don’t really know what to type, I think I’ll just rant a bit, here, so forgive me if this writing doesn’t seem to have any direction.

Life is so confusing, isn’t it? We live in a world where often things don’t go as we think they should.  Things are  so twisted they sometimes go against sense, against expectations..

against hope..

Remember being kids? Having not a care in the world, just happy being yourself and cruising along having all your needs met?

Remember being a bit older? Starting to have dreams of a successful life: having the best job in the world, living life, being number one, fairytale scenario.

Then we get where we are, and suddenly things don’t look so bright.

What happened to those days? I wonder…

I think I’ll branch a bit here, talk about relationships

Let’s go back to our teen years. We begin to see and understand relationships. We ourselves begin to feel that spark of emotion and yeah, flowers everywhere, rainbow over our head, can’t stop smiling and blahblahblah all that stuff.

Then what? How I see it, more often than not do relationships end in breakups, in heartbreaks. And we experience it ourselves.

and then we see how illogical, how stupid love is. We see the things people do in the name of “love”, and we wonder how humans can be so irrational.

But I guess that’s the whole point about love isn’t it? Setting aside logic for once. Come to think of it Jesus’ act of love wasn’t based on reason was it?

but when you see people jump relationships, selling their hearts to the first bidder like that, you begin to wonder…

ahh sorry I’m getting more and more melancholic and GeJe here..haha I guess it’s coz I’ve been keeping this in my mind for too long..

Anyway, at least I can still count on God whatever happens, He stays true. People may turn away from us, but only we can turn away from Him..

so ends my rant…here